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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Join Our Club

The Republican Club has enjoyed a long tradition of winning elections and is the only Republican Club in Montville Twp. We are a varied and enthusiastic group with the common goal of supporting Republican candidates and ideals.

Anyone who shares our basic goals and beliefs is welcome to become a member of the Republican Club. 



Our meetings take place the 4th Monday of each month, at 7:00pm refreshments are served followed by a 7:30pm meeting. Meetings take place at the Montville Senior Center (356 Main Rd., Montville, NJ 07045). For more info, please contact



Single & Family membership (household spouse/partner) is $35.00.


Guest Membership for non-residents is available but is non-voting. 


Click on the button below to pay through PayPal

Consider making a contribution to our scholarship fund, which annually supports local graduating high school seniors. For a limited time, all donations (up to a total of $2,000) will be matched by the generosity of Club members Margaret Lam and David Yen.


Click on the button below to pay through PayPal

Contact Us

P.O Box 535 Montville, NJ 07045

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